
We continue to mourn the millions of people who have succumbed to Covid-19 and other maladies, their surviving family and friends, and the  vast social and economic upheavals caused by the pandemic. During these trying times we reaffirm our commitment to the person, life, and work of Jesus of Nazareth and continue working in faith and wisdom towards new ways of being. 

We recognize that neither God nor God’s Church has ever been contained within a physical structure and affirm this truth by continuing to discover ways to creatively worship, learn, and fellowship in virtual spaces. Our three phased plan for returning to in person gatherings is highly informed by state and local government regulations, recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and similar medical entities, and vaccination statuses. 

  • Phase One: Virtual gatherings only.
  • Phase Two: Small teams stream from our building and others participate virtually.
  • Phase Three: Return to in person gatherings while maintaining virtual attendance options. 

Virtual Participation: Our virtual worship services, classes, and special events can be accessed through our virtual registration process and facebook page.

Click here to register for access to our interactive Zoom video conferencing. 

Click here to access our Facebook stream.

Prayer concerns and requests: During each gathering, we solicit and offer intercessory prayers. Additionally, prayer requests can be shared via our website or by sending a message to or (703) 979-1558.

Online Giving: We encourage online giving during this time. In your giving, remember our preschool staff who will be adversely impacted by our reduced tuition income during this crisis. With your help, we can provide a full salary and avoid another crisis for them, their families and the families served by preschool. 

Click here to give. 


Mailing address for physical checks:

Mount Vernon Baptist Church

Attn: Finance Committee

935 23rd Street South

Arlington, VA 22202


Covid 19 Resources:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Virginia Department of Health

District of Columbia Government Covid Resources